Engage your users with scalable web applications!
  • Build robust full-stack isomorphic web applications
  • Authenticate with all sorts of providers (Google/Facebook/Twitter)
  • Synchronize your service mesh to end-user workflows
  • Configure and deploy application continuously to any container runtime (K8s/LXD/Docker Machine/...)

Armin T., Full-stack Web Developer

McGill University B.Sc Software Engineering, Minor Mathematics

Welcome to eigenfunctor.io!

I am a full-stack web developer with 7 years of experience. I adapt very quickly to any project and can bring a lot of insight and value to the table. My mission is to work closely with your team and bring to your software infrastructure the best end-user experience from modern technology, cloud services, and computer science theory.

Extensive knowledge in modular, mobile-first, responsive UI and 2D visualisation development with React.js, styled-components, Material-UI, and Next.js.

Extensive knowledge in the WebGL graphics pipeline and abstraction libraries such as three.js and react-three-fiber for 3D vizualization development.

GraphQL and RESTful APIs written in robust and modular Typescript modules built and deployed into node.js containers.

Experienced in database technologies such as SQL based RDMS (Postgres), client synchronized document stores (CouchDB/PouchDB), and high throughput data caches (Redis).

Experienced in scientific computing with Python libraries such as Tensorflow, Numpy, Pandas, and SciPy.

Knowledge in building and consuming gRPC APIs for fast, fault tolerant, low overhead, HTTP/2 based internal service interactions.

Useful Projects

Need a quick way to bootstrap a containerized full-stack project? This template comes batteries included with all of the most common features for modern web development.

  • Isomorphic React.js based client using Next.js and responsive Material-UI components.
  • Single sign-on authorization with passport.js.
  • A extensible and fully configured GraphQL API with basic user accounts logic.
  • Traefik based reverse proxy with built in Let's Encrypt https certificate generation.

Sometimes all you want to do is capture user input as JSON objects without any further hassle. DocSync allows you to define type-safe and validated document schemas that work seamlessly among browsers and Node.js services.

  • Based on the cross-platform PouchDB library.
  • Allows hierarchical and circular document schemas.
  • Easy to follow, Promise-based API. Best used with Typescript's async/await functionality.
  • Validations run seamlessly in the browser or a remote CouchDB instance.
  • Can leverage all the PouchDB storage adapters.